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Why should engineering vehicles use industrial solid tyres

1. Reliable and safe use performance, which helps to improve work efficiency. Because the solid tire carcass is made of all rubber, Z ensures the puncture resistance of the tire to a large extent, and solves the risk of tire puncture of industrial vehicles in the process of using under load and in extreme working environments from the source.

Load of solid tire: small shape variable, good use stability, because of its puncture resistance, tear resistance, no inflation, avoiding the heavy labor of frequent tire repair and replacement, it can improve the use rate and work efficiency of the car. In the low gear, efficient use of the car, solid tires can completely replace pneumatic tires.


2. Avoid the danger of runaway tire explosion. Solid tyres can be interchanged with pneumatic tyres of the same specification.


3. Scientific and reasonable structure design ensures that the tyres have good safe use performance. The three section structure design selected for solid tire fully ensures the overall performance of the tire.

The high rigidity and high strength base rubber and steel ring support not only ensure the stiffness of the tire, but also ensure the tightness of the tire and rim, fundamentally solving the problem of slip ring of solid tires;

The high elastic intermediate rubber can absorb the vibration of the car reasonably and effectively, and has comfortable driving performance. In addition, it can avoid damage to the car;

The thickened tread rubber layer ensures the tear resistance and wear resistance of the tire, and improves the service life of the solid tire;


4. Technology and process manufacturing. The production of solid tires has more than half a century of production history and experience. In the rubber process, Z greatly improves the safe use performance of the tires. When the tires are used, the heat generation and temperature rise and fall to Z low. In addition, it improves the heat resistance of the tires, thus solving the relatively serious problems of solid tires such as swelling, slip ring, and burst caused by temperature rise;


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Shanyi Tyre


Address:Building 9, Jihua 3517 Industrial Park, Xingang District, Chenglingji, Yueyang


Guangzhou Shanyi Machinery Trade Co., Ltd

Address:No. 612, Jiayi Business Center, No. 2886, Huangpu Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou

Contact:Mr. Zhao Mobile: +86-13607434178



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